The firm has participated, over the past fifty (50) years, in the development of over 850 foreign-trade zone projects in the United States, including Puerto Rico. We have a highly professional and proficient team devoted to foreign-trade zone development. Our firm has structured more zone projects over an extended period of time than all other FTZ experts combined.
In considering foreign-trade zone use, it is important to first determine there is a sufficient financial savings for the zone procedures that outweighs the effort and cost to manage a zone. Second, it is critical to carefully consider a company’s capacity to effectively manage the necessary inventory control requirements. If a decision is made to move forward, we can assist in all aspects of securing the necessary approvals from the Foreign-Trade Zones Board, local U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and other government agencies. Additionally, we have the expertise to provide technical training and ongoing assistance and support for zone operations. We are the only firm that provides detailed two-day bi-annual/annual training sessions for our clients at no charge.
Legal services provided include:
Preparation of an FTZ feasibility analysis.
Foreign-Trade Zones Board Applications, including the preparation, development, enhancement, review and/or assistance with:
Foreign-Trade Zone Application
Subzone Application
Production Notifications (Including Interim Approval)
Production Applications
Alternative Site Framework
Usage-Driven Site Applications
Request for Scope Determination
Boundary Modification
General-Purpose Zone/Subzone Expansion/Reorganization
U.S. Customs Approval of Activation including the preparation, development, enhancement, review and/or assistance with:
Application for Activation
FTZ Operations Manual
Securing FTZ Operator’s Bond
Structuring System for FTZ Inventory Management
Detailed FTZ System Design (FTZ User’s modification of their software to manage FTZ)
Third-Party Software Provider (Selection of and Interaction in mapping and organization development (if applicable))
Development of Detailed self-audit documents and on-site audits of zone projects
FTZ Training for Operators and Grantees (Startup and Ongoing Basis)
Grantee Compliance Package for Zone Grantees including the preparation, development, enhancement, review, and/or assistance with:
Seminar on Legal Requirements
Zone Schedule (Development or enhancement)
Zone Agreements
FTZ Board Annual Reports
FTZ Marketing Plan
FTZ Marketing Materials
FTZ Activation Packet for Prospective Operators
Legal/Technical Expertise on an Ongoing Basis
Comprehensive Set of Zone Contracts for General-Purpose Zone Operators/Subzone Operators/Property Owners
The firm has developed an automated collection of necessary legal and procedural requirements and documentation for all aspects of zone activities (Foreign-Trade Zone Applications, Management Systems, Operations Manuals, Zone Schedules, etc.). The firm maintains an exclusive compilation of all Customs Headquarters Rulings, Directives and FTZ Manuals issued on the Foreign-Trade Zone program. Indexed copies of all Federal Register FTZ Board Application Filing Notices, FTZ Board Orders, and FTZ Board Annual Reports are also maintained in our firm library.
The firm publishes its monthly Briefings newsletter identifying key developments and linking the summaries to essential documents. Information is posted to the firm’s website on a daily basis to keep our clients up to date on the latest developments in the foreign-trade zone and import/export areas.